Friday, March 9, 2012

How exactly is mass effect 2 less rpg?

Mass effect one is perfect, i love how it is a game with both rpg and shooter packed into one, it reminds me alot of borderlands. But then i heard that mass effect 2 is less RPGish, is that true? it seems like if they took away the rpg element the game would be boring because leveling up and finding new armor and weapons is very addicting, can someone please explain how exactly mass effect 2 is less RPGishHow exactly is mass effect 2 less rpg?
They stripped away a majority of the RPG stats from the first game. Such as weapon stats, armor stats, healing stats, etc.

They also replaced inventory. In ME2, there's almost NO inventory. No armors (besides DLC armor that doesn't do jack ****) besides a few upgrades that don't really have much effect. Almost all weapons are gone and replaced with a handful of weapons. They say these are "sidegrades" meant to make you choose which kind of weapon better suits your needs instead of replacing a weapon with a slightly statistically better one. Sounds cool and all, but this is sadly not the case ingame. Most weapons you'll find are flat out upgrades over their counterparts, and some are even more terrible than the basic weapons you start with (The 2nd sniper rifle you get is garbage).

Stat progression is gone. Weapon abilities are gone. There's only upgrading your skills over and over until you max them out. No base stats anymore. In the first game you can well-round your upgrades and become extremely efficient towards the end of the game. Your accuracy is vastly improved, your weapons and armor are top notch, and your weapon abilities are devastating and effective. None of this is in ME2. Just upgrade your skills. You'll still shoot the same at the end of the game that you did in the beginning.

There's a fixed amount of missions, which means a fixed amount of experience.

The world is overall much smaller than the first game. Much less exploration involved, in fact there's hardly any.

Regenerating Health (LOL! What the hell were you thinking, Bioware?)

The end result is that the many things that made ME1 the unique RPG it was, were taken away. Is ME2 a bad game? No it's not. The action is good and playing through to the end is quite fun. It's just not an RPG anymore, or at least it barely is one.
I thought mass effect 2 was fantastic. No its not a traditional RPG but it was fast paced and still had rpg elements. There isn't much of a loot system in ME2 you do get some guns but many things are upgraded through finding the upgrades then grinding out the reqs to buy them. Its a pretty good blend but it can lean more towards shooter style especially if you play a soldier. As you go towards the more biotic heavy classes its less shooter.

It has a great story and characters as well as amazing graphics. There is alot of DLC support including a kinda new one that links ME2 to ME3 which comes out later this year. I wouldn't skip it and now is a good time to buy because its cheaper.How exactly is mass effect 2 less rpg?
It is still an RPG but it has lost the customizable weapons and armour. Your characters also have limited amount of skills to learn compared to ME1. I'm not saying ME2 is a bad game, it won several game of the year awards and is seriously worth a play.
Mass Effect 1 is better than Mass Effect 2.How exactly is mass effect 2 less rpg?
you do less upgrading to your weapons, armors and abilities, those are very big in RPGs....

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